Call to file motions to the Annual General Assembly of Members of 2019

Dear colleagues and members of EASC,

Our next Annual General Assembly of Members will take place on 

  • Thursday, 19 September 2019,
  • 18:00 to 20:00 hours
  • in the premises of Coaching Institut Berlin, Waldstr. 32, 10551 Berlin.

Since a deadline needs to be met for the invitation and the call for motions, you receive the official call to file motions with this email.

In accordance with the by-laws, we herewith send all members of the association the call to file motions to the Annual General Assembly of Members until

  • Thursday, 01 August 2019 (cut-off period!)
  • only by mail to the EASC office: 
  • EASC e.V., Waldstr. 32, 10551 Berlin, Germany.

Motions that are received in time will be sent with the invitation.

The Assembly will only be entitled to vote on these motions.

The invitation will be sent to you by email at the latest four weeks before the date of the Assembly, including the agenda and the aforementioned motions.

Best wishes,

Susanne Rieger
President of the Board of EASC e.V.