Payment Reminder Membership Fees

Dear members,

On September 19th, the annual General Assembly of the EASC took place in Berlin. I am very glad that you have expressed your confidence in me and that you have reelected me as 1st chair. Together we have made a lot of plans for the upcoming years: to grow, to continue ensuring our quality standards, to gain more influence in Europe, to intensify our networking, etc.
This is only possible if we have the financial basis.

We have currently 642 members, quite a number, and a great growth in recent years.
But we have close to 24% pending membership fees from about 230 members who do not pay their fees!
Even though some may have a justification, in sum this is unacceptable for our association and ethically not compatible with those members who pay their fees regularly. Therefore, on our GA we decided to take a rigorous approach:


Payment reminder:

Hereby we ask you, if not realized already, to pay your fee for this year or previous years immediately.

If you need any documents or information, please do not hesitate to contact the office:

If fees remain unpaid after this message, we will have to send a dunning letter, or as the case may be to initiate a dunning procedure. In addition, we will block the profiles of these not paying members on the EASC website.


We are sorry to take such measures. We do not do this against our members, but in favor of those who pay their fee, behave ethically and value a professional association that believes in Europe and quality!

Thank you and we are looking forward to your active contribution and fruitful cooperation!

On behalf of the Board
Susanne Rieger