Berlin, 16 August 2022


Dear EASC colleague, we warmly invite you to this year’s


Ordinary Annual General Assembly of Members 2022

on Thursday, 15 September 2022 from 6.00 - 8.00 p.m.


In hybrid format:

Digitally via Zoom and

live on site at the neighbourhood centre Lleialtat Santsenca
C/. Olzinelles, 31, ES-08014 Barcelona


Registration process:

To participate in the General Assembly , whether live or digitally, registration is required. Please register no later than 13.09.2022, 24.00 hrs at the EASC Congress link (please register as a member).

Election and voting procedures:

Elections and votings are conducted for digital participants using the election tool eBallot or by secret ballot in presence. All persons who have registered will receive the dial-in data for the election process at a later date.

The documents required for the general meeting:

  • Agenda for the General Assembly (GA) on 15 September 2022
  • Motions to the GA 2022
  • Budget 2023
  • Minutes of the GA 2021
  • Voting delegation form
  • Reports of the committees (missing reports will be submitted later)
  • Presentation of the candidates (will be handed in later)

are available for download <link file:6723 download>here


The meeting language is English.
We will organise the consecutive translation English: German, Spanish and Czech on site if required.
We kindly ask you to inform us in advance of your translation needs

The general meeting starts punctually at 6.00 pm.

Admission from 5.30 p.m. on site or 5.45 p.m. digitally to confirm attendance and voting rights.

We look forward to your participation and remain

with kind regards,

Susanne Rieger (Chairperson) and Volker Tepp (Treasurer, Office Manager)