Dear EASC members,
The EASC invites you to the next "It's EASC Time

June 16th 2021, 07.00 – 08.30 p.m (GMT +02:00)

Log-in Data
It‘s EASC Time
Meeting-ID: 919 4870 0072
Code: 317615

We will embark on an informative journey into supervision practice, based on transactional analysis and on a short book walk through “Transactional Analysis based Supervision in Theory and Practice" (Transaktionsanalytische Supervision in Theorie und Praxis, available in German).
Our tour guides are the editors <link in-ihrer-naehe profil karola-brunner>Karola Brunner and <link in-ihrer-naehe profil matthias-sell>Matthias Sell. They will be accompanied by Georg Franzen and Sandor Antal.

After a short introduction by Karola and Matthias, the guests will offer the audience impulses from the book:

.              Art in Supervision
In the confrontation and contact with works of art, resonances can be triggered and people recognise and understand their own issues. Here, starting points for change and development arise (Kast 2007). This can lead to an intensive dialogue between supervisee, supervisor and artwork.
Travel partner: Georg Franzen, Prof. Dr. is, among other things, a psychological psychotherapist, psychoanalyst and head of the master's degree course in art therapy at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Berlin.

.              Supervision for in-house mentors
Supervision is considered in the context of development and change in corporate culture. Mentoring | supervision | training is differentiated using the practical example of a family-run, internationally active retail company.
Travel partner: Sandor Antal, qualified pedagogue and transactional analyst PTSTA in the field of organisation, active as trainer, management consultant and coach in Hungary in the fields of management consultancy, customer orientation, management development and executive coaching.

After the  
general welcome, we go into small groups to get to know each other, exchange ideas and get started on the topic of the evening. This will be followed by inputs from both guests, concluding with a question and answer session.
In a new round of small groups, we take a look at the situation and make reference to the everyday life of the supervisor. We would like to publish the results in the next EASC newsletter.

Linguistic comprehension
The plenary presentations will be in German *.
Translation into English, Czech and Spanish and back into German will be provided. Instructions on how to enter the language box can be found here. We kindly ask the participants with translation needs to inform the
office about their coming by 14.06.2021.
As for the small groups, we we will provide translation and language understanding together.

* Upon request, Zoom participants will receive the ppt presentation.

We look forward to your active participation!

Warmest wishes,
Susanne Rieger and Volker Tepp
On behalf of the EASC Board


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