Newsletter August 2020

Dear members of EASC

With this newsletter we intend to send you news about EASC, the bodies, the Regional Groups and the Institutes on a regular basis and disseminate facts worth knowing from the field of supervision and coaching. We are happy to add information on congresses, books, lectures, dates – please just send it to the Office or – ideally marked with the reference NEWS. We will publish the information in our news on the internet or in the newsletter.

If you don’t wish to receive this newsletter, just send a brief memo to


General Assembly 2020-09-17 ONLINE

After the unfortunate cancellation of the EASC Congress, we will hold our annual meeting ONLINE due to the Corona Pandemic. We will meet at ZOOM-GA on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 from 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm. The dial-in data will be given to the members in time.


Meeting of the EASC Institutes

On Thursday September 17th from 9.00 am to 01.00 pm the ONLINE meeting of the EASC Institutes will take place. We hope that this format will suit your participation! The dial-in data will be announced separately.

We are looking forward to seeing you!





Personnel changes in the Office

In April 2019 we were pleased to welcome Verena Alber as a new employee in the office. At the end of May 2020 we unfortunately had to say goodbye to her again. Verena Alber has decided to focus on other priorities in her personal and professional life, which we can fully understand. Nevertheless, we are sad about it, as we had to say goodbye to a valuable employee. In one year of working with us, she has achieved a lot and quickly got used to the complex tasks in the office.

Dear Verena, thank you very much for your hard work, for your thinking, designing and creative search for goal-oriented processes!

And we, the board, are grateful that with Antonia Schweimer we have been able to win a new employee who will help us to close the gap that has arisen due to the departure of Verena Alber.

Dear Antonia, we have already experienced a lot of exchange with you in the office, we have been able to experience your clarity and grasp and we are grateful for your cooperation. We are happy that communication in English and Spanish is easy for you, because you speak both languages as well as Verena does!

With your experience as a German living in Spain, we have a great employee who knows and brings in a lot of intercultural and transcultural work!


Antonia Schweimer

Antonia Schweimer

My name is Antonia Schweimer. I am a social pedagogue and mediator and I have worked for many years "outside of this sector" in the administration of commercial companies. With this baggage, in 2017, I trained as a coach at Indiálogo in Barcelona. Currently I am completing my training as a TA consultant and also working as a freelance coach.

The letter "B" seems to attract me, because I was born and raised in Bavaria, where I spent an association-active youth time. I studied and worked as a social pedagogue in Berlin. I have spent the last 30 years of my life in Barcelona where I have been and still am very involved in the district work in my "barrio".

My two sons have grown up in the meantime, and I am looking forward to moving to Berlin again and to contributing with my life, professional and intercultural experiences to the EASC.

I am looking forward to the contact and the active exchange with you!


„Physical“changes in the office

„Physical“changes in the office

Corona didn't stop at our office either. Within a short time, we had to create the possibility of working completely digitally in our home office: For Marlene Lange, this was an even greater challenge with two small children.

We had been setting up the office digitally for a long time, so we were able to successfully master the Corona challenge by purchasing new notebooks and working in the cloud. We are currently in the process of sorting and scanning the last paper membership files, so that from September 2020 on, we will be able to manage all documents in digital form only. Furthermore, we will deal with the database which, together with our website, opens up the possibility for all members to keep their own data up to date. We will continue to develop this database and associated software, so that all processes can be arranged as smoothly as possible.

The EASC has its office as a subtenant in the rooms of the "Diakoniegemeinschaft Bethania". The latter, as the main tenant, renewed the flooring in spring. We are happy about a beautiful real wood floor and on this occasion we also repainted the walls and partly renewed the office furniture.


It’s EASC Time Success story in times of corona

It’s EASC Time Success story in times of corona

Since May, every third Wednesday of the month at 07:00 p.m. It's EASC-Time!

EASC members and interested people meet via ZOOM for video conferencing and discuss current or interesting topics. Three meetings have taken place so far. On May 20th we started with an exchange round about our work in Corona times and with current information from the board.

On June 17th Christoph Seidenfuß shared his thoughts on “consulting, coaching, supervision – realistic promises of performance under ethical aspects” with us. And Sigrid Stilp-Weiß presented her concept of resilience according to the bamboo principle on July 15th and shared her thoughts with everyone.

We were regularly 20–30 in the round and, in addition to the plenum, we always exchanged ideas in small groups, so that we had a good chance to talk to each other.

The next meeting will take place on August 19th. Our board is ready to answer your questions: We will invite you as usual via the member distribution list. Translation Spanish-German-English is always provided!  


Publication EASC and University of Eichstätt: Supervision and Coaching in the VUCA world

After the last – very successful – EASC Congress at Eichstätt and with the town´s University we could bring forward the publication of an anthology of lectures and workshop contributions. We could count on the excellent cooperation with Janusz Surzykiewicz. In the meantime, all contributions have been collected and the contract with the publisher has been signed. We hope for a publication before the end of this year! Look forward to "Supervision and Coaching in the VUCA World".


News from the Institutes

„Medizinische Hochschule Hamburg“ and „Hochschule Kempten“ New in the EASC

The Medical University of Hamburg with its master's degree program "Art Analog Coaching” and the Kempten University of Applied Sciences with its Master's degree course "Consulting, Organizational Development and Coaching" are on their way to becoming new institutes of the EASC. After interesting cooperation talks, the participation of the CQS and the positive decision of the board, both want to introduce themselves to the other EASC institutes at the institute meeting in September.

We are very pleased to further intensify the good cooperation with universities through the new institutes in the EASC and to continuously develop quality and formation within the EASC in cooperation with scientific trainers.





On June 27th, 2020 in Nuremberg, "proCEO – die Kompetenz.Entwickler" had the pleasure of congratulating the results of another year´s examination as the final point of the advanced training for coaches. 18 valuable and formative months of intensive learning community have come to a successful end.

A warm welcome to all new coaching colleagues.


Progressio Hannover


Coaching examination

Final examination of the coaching training this time ONLINE

PROGRESSIO is the first training institute of the EASC to successfully conduct the final exams of the current coaching training on a digital platform throughout Germany. 13 candidates, 9 examiners and 3 moderators worked simultaneously in 5 virtual breakout rooms, each in 60-minute settings.

Saturday 25.04.2020, 1:45 p.m.: After a total of 7 hours of digital collaboration, all 25 participants enthusiastically toasted the success in the joint final. Of course not without making an appointment to catch up on the joint celebration as soon as possible.

What seemed difficult at first because it was unfamiliar, impressed everyone equally in the end: The technically smooth and trouble-free procedure, the communicative density on the screen and, last but not least, the willingness and openness of all those involved to test on a digital platform.

"This did not detract from the quality in any way", was the unanimous vote of the examiners.

13 participants passed the test, who completed 1.5 years of intensive coaching training at Progressio. The Progressio team did a great job in creating the technical, logistical and moderating conditions in the shortest possible time. The medium ONLINE also passed the test. It was and is possible to work via screen, personally and interactively even under the special conditions of an exam.

The next coaching training at Progressio starts in November 2020


Progressio Hannover


Supervision exam. Started on site and arrived online.

Successful completion of the 6th supervision training of Progressio

With Blended Learning, Progressio and the participants continued the supervision training online even during the lockdown of the last weeks. All have achieved their goal of becoming a supervisor. The participants successfully passed their exams on a digital platform in front of a board of the European Association for Supervision and Coaching (EASC). We congratulate our new colleagues.

The next supervision training at Progressio starts in September 2020.


Coaching Institut Berlin


In the beautiful and summerly courtyard of the "Coaching Institut Berlin" we could experience at least a partial exam of the current coaching year on June 13th.

Four of the fourteen participants accepted and passed the exam despite Corona, and we were able to implement all necessary safety measures with regard to Corona.

We congratulate the four new coaches on passing the exam! In November the other ten participants of the training group will experience their exam.


News from the Regional Groups


Regional Group Ostwestfalen-Lippe

The next meeting of the OWL Regional Group will be dedicated to the topic of "Corona - what funding opportunities are offered by the federal and state Governments, what support is available from the tax authorities". As a guest, tax consultant Ralf Finke will bring along information and answer questions. Meeting point on September 3, 2020, 7 p.m. at Hügelstraße 8, 33619 Bielefeld (We can meet there in the generously dimensioned room, taking the necessary precautions).