Dear members of EASC

With this newsletter we intend to send you news about EASC, the bodies, the Regional Groups and the Institutes on a regular basis and disseminate facts worth knowing from the field of supervision and coaching. We are happy to add information on congresses, books, lectures, dates – please just send it to the Office or – ideally marked with the reference NEWS. We will publish the information in our news on the internet or in the newsletter.

If you don’t wish to receive this newsletter, just send a brief memo to


600 members in EASC!

A milestone for EASC: with the beginning of the year we have overcome the mark of 600 members!

And we hope that EASC is also a milestone for each new member!

We warmly welcome each of them and look forward to working together with them in our association! We ask all members: do check which new members are in your area – invite them to your Regional Group or just contact them for an opportunity to meet and have an exchange among colleagues.

A hearty welcome!!!!




We are now represented in a total of 15 countries, and we look forward to further growth! 


Jonatan Frei and the social media


We have been represented on Facebook and Instagram since the 2018 congress in Eichstätt. After a discussion at the General Assembly, Jonatan Frei (Jony) took the initiative and has been active ever since. Many thanks for your work and your commitment, dear Jony! 

Our scope is already considerable, and there is obviously much more potential. Facebook and Instagram live on news from all areas of the wide range of EASC life and we need many on-site reporters in the Regional Groups, the Institutes or our everyday work in supervision and coaching.

Bring your new tools into the community via flipchart photo, show a picture of your training group, publish the smile of your coordinating trainer and the lecture or the party at the Regional Group!

It is so easy: take your smartphone, take a picture, write a few words to go with it and send it to – and it will already be online.

Jony will also contact the Institutes, Regional Groups and EASC panels in order to introduce himself and promote traffic on Insta and Facebook …. Probably via ZOOM…We will continue to issue the newsletter about three times a year, transmitting EASC news as text.

All members are still invited to send us their news. Nevertheless, Facebook and Instagram show the life of EASC and are much more up to date. Jony has also been attending Board meetings since January 2019, and the Board is very glad about his willingness to support it work with his specific marketing knowledge and activities and, of course, to contribute his view on all topics. And to be a “roving reporter” who reports live – take a look at Insta and Facebook and you will see what we mean.


Review: 2018 Eichstätt congress

We owe you a big apology:

Unfortunately and in spite of our promises, we still cannot offer you a page providing the lectures and pictures of the congress.

We had to face big unexpected problems (which I shall take the liberty to keep silent about) and we were very annoyed but that doesn’t make any difference. We now hope to publish the pictures and slides of the presentations until 15 February 2019 in our internal area and to send an access to each congress participant. It is with gritted teeth that we have to admit: we, too, have our Berlin Airport.

Some good news: the congress has reached the general public, one of our congress partners, Gesundheitsnetzwerk Leben, has reported about it in its magazine: 


And more good news: the plans to publish the lectures and workshops together with Catholic University of Eichstätt are still up to date.

We will contact the speakers and workshop leaders as soon as we know more.

And yet more good news: the cooperation with the Cardinal Wyszinski University in Warsaw goes on, but this is worth a section of its own:


Contact in Warsaw – Cardinal Wyszinski University

In September, Susanne Rieger attended a congress at the Cardinal Wyszinski University of Warsaw as our EASC President.

The colleagues from Warsaw had contributed to the congress in Eichstätt, we met there in person and were very glad about the invitation to their event. Susanne had a meeting with colleagues who teach at the university and the Dean for the Department of Social Studies. The university is interested in taking coaching into their academic training and there was a first exchange on a potential cooperation with EASC in this context.

Susanne will keep working on this topic and keep in touch – this is an opportunity to make a step ahead in our development in Poland and enter a long-term cooperation. It is still a small plant, which we will keep looking after, in close cooperation with the Catholic University of Eichstätt.


25th Anniversary – EASC 1994-2019

This year, EASC has been in existence for 25 years since its foundation in 1994 by Matthias Sell, Birgit Ramon and others.

We would like to celebrate this anniversary within the context of our meeting in Berlin in September and we plan to have a special anniversary event on Friday, 20 September, 14.00 – 18.00 hours, with a subsequent get-together.

25 years – that deserves a shared active look at the past as well as the future: where do we come from, where are we going? And all this should happen in an entertaining way, with fun, creativity and joint action! A celebration committee already exists but we need more people to join it! If you are interested in making a contribution to the preparation, please contact Susanne Rieger:


Barcelona congress “Identities” – 18-19 September 2020

The Board is already working on the concept for our Barcelona congress in 2020, which will be the event of events in the city of cities.

It will be an opportunity to get to know Barcelona from a completely new angle. It will be an opportunity to add two days with your partner and friends and enjoy a longer summer. And it will be an opportunity to thoroughly examine a topic again, together and with experts: identities.

For us, a European association, this is a particularly interesting topic: what is a European identity, why is there more and more talk about delimitation and emphasised identity? What is the systemic interaction between inclusion and delimitation? And which role does identity have for us as coaches or supervisors in our work? This is also an occasion to think about which borders we build as an association – be it aware or unaware – whom we include and who might not feel invited by the EASC community.


Idea: partnership among Regional Groups

During the discussion about the next EASC congress (and in view of the political situation of an increasing delimitation in Europe) the Board came up with an idea which we would like to pass into the Regional Groups: all appreciate the exchange with others within EASC.

What do you think about a European partner Regional Group? With whom would you like to have an exchange beyond regional and national borders?

Just start!


Trainerversorgung e.V.

EASC will start cooperating with the German association Trainerversorgung e.V., which will provide more cost-attractive services for our members.

We will keep you informed.


From the CQS

Hans-Günter Simon writes us:

The CQS is happy to report that since November/December of last year there has been a constant “rush” of applicants from outside our association who would like to become members of EASC. The motions range from admission as a Coach EASC to admission of DGTA members as Supervisors, others would like to become Trainers or found an EASC Institute. This is pleasant to see and surely worth a brief note.

All the best, Hans-Günter


Cooperation with Euro-FH

Within the context of our cooperation for graduates of the BCCM Master studies, we again offer workshops on “external supervision” – the bridge to being recognised as a certified EASC Coach:

21 and 22 June 2019 in Münster

6 and 7 December in Berlin


Information from the Institutes


Clarté – Birgit Ramon writes us

The Institute clarté - gesunde zukunft für unternehmen offers a coaching workshop on 5 April 2019 at Ammersee (Lake Ammer) near Munich.

Among others we will work with the Zurich Resource Model. The current further training programme will be presented in the afternoon: 2019 clarté training in coaching, qualification to Master Coach and Mentoring Supervisor as well as the new Change Management qualification.

We are happy to provide detailed information upon request and soon also at The annual clarté day will be held on 5 July 2019, also, as always, in Herrsching at Ammersee (Lake Ammer). In view of the Humboldt year among others, the working title is “Learning and Education 4.0”.


4progress – Daniel Frei writes us:


We all know this.
Someone rightfully points out a mistake I have made and instantly I am feeling hit as if by a flood of criticism... but it was really some fairly presented and justified criticism... I am drowning in a momentary paralysis. Although this is a familiar pattern of mine, I cannot get rid of it...

In fact it is ‹only› a lecture – I am competent in the field, the audience is benevolent – but I am feeling this paralysing stage fright... and in spite of my inner words of encouragement it isn’t willing to go away...

In his book «IntrovisionCoaching», Dehner states that in cases similar to the ones described above coaches and supervisors tend to send clients into psychotherapy too quickly. But the resulting waiting times for customers as well as the mostly long treatment periods could in many cases be avoided applying introvision.

Would you like to make a difference for your clients?

More on the scientific background and further training in CH-Liestal here!

More on the scientific background and further training in D-Münster here!

4progress – for your progress!


INITA, intasco and imago, Matthias Sell writes us:

Brave New World – can supervision/coaching still help?

This is the motto of a conference held in Fulda on 15 and 16 March 2019. The organisers are three training Institutes of EASC: INITA/Hanover, intasco/Dortmund and Imago/Fulda.

The event addresses participants from the fields of supervision, coaching and consulting.

Three keynote speeches and nine short workshops will deal with the topic and perhaps also find and answer...

We look forward to your participation, a lively discussion and good networking!

You will find all further details on the event at


Mathias Hofmann and his colleagues of SHS CONSULT…

…say: “it’s time to share” and once more invite you to their training course SCM Systemic Change Moderation: 4 modules, 10 days on the sea of change. We will take you on a journey and bit by bit present the modules and working methods in Change Management. We will share our knowledge from 16 years of experience. What to expect, how will we work and what is the point of departure of our journey on the sea of change?


From the Regional Groups

Mediterranean Regional Group, Amina Baar-Baarenfels writes us:

Here is our schedule for 2019 for the Mediterranean Regional Group of EASC, which we would like to publish. Thanks a lot! As usual, we meet at Crec in Poble Nou, Barcelona, from 18.30-20.30 hours on 4 days, one per quarter:

  • 06.03. 2019      Workshop "Music as a motor of self-knowledge" (Lorenzo Amaro)
  • 13.06. 2019      Intervision (Susanne Rieger)
  • 09.09. 2019      Workshop "Do it or have it done – the oriental and the occidental model" (Amina Baar-Baarenfels)
  • 12.12.2019       Intervision (the colleagues)

Regional Group of East Westphalia – Detlef Saalfrank writes us:

Netzwerk für Coaching, Beratung und Supervision in Ostwestfalen (Network for coaching, consulting and supervision in East Westphalia)

Intervision group in Bielefeld

Meeting on Thursday, 17 January 2019
at 19:00 hours
Hügelstrasse 8
33613 Bielefeld
Contact: Detlef Saalfrank

Supervision group in Bielefeld

Meeting on Tuesday
22 January 2019
18:00 -20:00 hours
Hügelstrasse 8
33613 Bielefeld
Contact: Detlef Saalfrank


Other conferences that attracted our attention


ANSE Summer University in Bolzano

“Bridging: Connecting Worlds through Supervision and Coaching”

26 – 30 August 2019, Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy



Next IODA conference: “Inclusion and Diversity. A journey towards…”

7-9 November 2019 in Viña del Mar, Chile


University of Applied Sciences of Northwest Switzerland:

Selbstorganisation – Dezentrale Führung und Entscheidung (Self-organisation – decentralised leadership and decision)

A practice-oriented conference held on 20/21 June 2019 in Basel

An event organised by Mobile Basel in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences of Northwest Switzerland

The different approaches of self-organisation raise justified hopes for more competent and more efficient results. But hierarchies, decision-making routes and responsibilities change in the process.
What development is required to ensure that staff members can work in a self-organised way? What is the course of such processes? How comprehensive do the changes need to be? How can sustainability be achieved? And who steers all this without therefore becoming the new lighthouse?
During this practice-focused conference we will get operational practitioners as well as interested and searching parties to talk. We will focus on implementation, not on models.


Planned publication by Jo Birch and Peter Welch

Coaching Supervision: Advancing practice, changing landscapes, Editors: Jo Birch and Peter Welch.

The publication is scheduled for June 2019.

More information in the next newsletter