Newsletter March 2020

Dear members of EASC

With this newsletter we intend to send you news about EASC, the bodies, the Regional Groups and the Institutes on a regular basis and disseminate facts worth knowing from the field of supervision and coaching. We are happy to add information on congresses, books, lectures, dates – please just send it to the Office or – ideally marked with the reference NEWS. We will publish the information in our news on the internet or in the newsletter.

If you don’t wish to receive this newsletter, just send a brief memo to



Dear members,

What has happened in the last few days has reached a dimension that we probably could not have imagined weeks ago.

Within a few days our lives are changing due to necessary measures to contain further infections by corona and forces us all to deal with changes and restrictions.

For the coaches and supervisors in the EASC, who work as self-employed, there will be a significant loss of income due to cancelled appointments and events. It is not yet clear in what way the countries of the EU will also support these professional groups in this regard. In Germany, we are working on a petition to the Bundestag with the Roundtable Coaching to support the professional groups of trainers, coaches and supervisors.

At the moment, in mid-March, we do not know how long these regulations will and must be in force and what the overall consequences will be for us as people in Europe.

It will also remain uncertain for some time whether our congress can take place in Barcelona in September.

Our professions as coaches and supervisors will perhaps still face new challenges in, but especially after this crisis, which will significantly change our societies. We will certainly contact you again in the coming weeks with ideas on how we can support you and your clients in finding new ways and ideas.

As Board we wish you health, from the bottom of our hearts, and that you will be able to get through these exceptional weeks of this year well.


EASC Congress Barcelona 17 – 20 September 2020


"Who am I in today’s changing world?"

Exploring identity in times of change

The program is ready, the 15 workshops are planned, hotels are waiting for reservations and we are all looking forward to a wonderful congress in the heart of Barcelona in Sant Pau. 

All information will be successively made available on our homepage. The registration is already open.

Please advertise in your regional groups and your surroundings, we are looking forward to many participants  – yet or not yet EASC member.





EASC on LinkedIn

EASC on LinkedIn

Thanks to Jony, the EASC now has its own page on LINKEDIN. Link to the site (specify in your profile via "employer") and post whatever happens to you!

» EASC on LinkedIn


Mistakes in our database

Imagine, a prospective customer is looking for Coaches / Supervisors on our website and ... finds out that the data is not correct!

This was done regionally by a research group of a journal "Wirtschaft und Weiterbildung" in the Rhein-Main area in Germany. 11 Coaches in the region had been contacted, 27% of them had incorrect data on the EASC homepage ... So we were the penultimate association on the list ...

Please help us to keep our database up-to-date! Please check the information that is stored about your name within the next 14 days and update it if necessary!

Volker Tepp


From the Regional Groups


EASC Regional Group Franconia and Upper Palatinate

Dates 2020

28.03.20 in Würzburg, Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Dipl.-Psych. Christoph Schalk
Topic: "Sustainable change by developing a goal-oriented inner attitude: The Zurich Resource Model ZRM in (virtual) coaching.
Location: Conference room in the Innovation and Start-up Centre, Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 15, 97076 Würzburg.
Costs per person: 30 EUR, payment in cash on site
Organization & Registration: Christoph Schalk, Phone: +49 931 2707595,

25.07.2020 in Weiden, Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Dr. Wolfgang Neiser
Topic "The art of performing communication in supervision and coaching". The lecture is introduced with a sequence of actors.
Sigrid Stilp-Weiß
Topic "Falling and access doors in communication and the effects on coach and supervisor".
Location: to be announced
Costs per person: 30 EUR, payment in cash on site
Organization & Registration: Sigrid Stilp-Weiß, Phone: +49 171 8618290

10.10.2020 in Nuremberg, Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Axel Trompeter
Topic: "Visualizing and supporting coaching and supervision processes professionally with sketch note techniques" The techniques are practiced and applied on site. Material is sufficiently available.
Location: Kleecenter, Kleestr. 21-23, 90461 Nuremberg
Costs per person: 30 EUR, payment in cash on site
Organization & Registration: Martina Lucht, Phone: +49 176 29006764,


EASC Regional Group East Westphalia Lippe (OWL)

EASC Regional Group East Westphalia Lippe (OWL)

Next meeting 23.04.2020, 7:00 pm, Kronenstraße 20, 33602 Bielefeld (SHS CONSULT). Contact us:

Next Intervention Group (CBS Network) 14.05.2020, 7:00 pm, Hügelstraße 19, Bielefeld. Please register at


EASC Regional Group Berlin-Brandenburg

EASC Regional Group Berlin-Brandenburg

76 Coaches and Supervisors are now on the invitation list of the EASC regional group Berlin-Brandenburg.

On February 25th we had our first meeting in 2020 and asked Dietmar Sedlaczek, as a lawyer and specialist in tax law, to tell us something about the topic:
"Overview of corporate forms, basic structures of companies, GmbH, AG, KG and more"
What a coach needs to know was the further question. 

The next meetings in 2020:
Tuesday 12 May
Tuesday 11 August
Tuesday 17 November
In each case at 7:00 pm in the rooms of the Coaching Institut Berlin, Waldstr. 32, 10551 Berlin-Moabit.
The evenings are free of charge, after two hours of work on the content there is the possibility to end the evening with a good wine.


Journal for transactional analysis "Supervision"

Karola Brunner, Teaching Supervisor and Teaching Coach (EASC) was this year's guest editor of the journal Transactional Analysis on supervision.