SAVE THE DATE - EASC CONGRESS 16 - 18 September 2022 in Barcelona

ImpACT - Sustainability in coaching and supervision

We have long known that we will only achieve sustainability in our world if we succeed in harmonizing the three areas of environment, economy and social affairs.

The semantic meaning of “sustainability” and “acting sustainably” refers to the ability to allow something to persist over a long period of time. The “Brundtland Report” already in 1987 formulated sustainable development as a development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
As supervisors and coaches, this means aligning our own profession with long-term goals, empowering our clients, ensuring lasting economic success with environmentally friendly production and products without attacking the substance.

What does all this have to do with us as coaches and supervisors? How do we play an active and effective role in the realization of sustainability through our work in business and society?

In Barcelona we want to discuss with experts, coaches, supervisors and representatives of different disciplines about our role and define the concept of sustainability for our professions more precisely.

We are looking forward to shaping our world in change towards a more sustainable interaction with each other!

Be there! Save the date!


ImpACT - Call for workshop papers

Would you like to organise a workshop by yourself on sustainability in supervision and coaching?
Contact for detailed information!