Dear EASC members,
The EASC invites you to the next "It's EASC Time".
Time April 20th, 2022, 07.00 – 08.30 p.m (GMT +02:00)
Log-in Data It‘s EASC Time Meeting-ID: 919 4870 0072 Code: 317615
Topic Cross Cultural Sensitivity in Coaching and Supervision
Presented by: Anna Fuchs Anna is psychologist, communication expert, facilitator, coach, representative for the Schulz von Thun Institute of Communication in Spain and most recently, non-fiction author who advocates for contact between people and cultures. Born in Germany and living in Hamburg and Barcelona Anna dreams in three languages. Her first book "Transkulturelle Herausforderungen meistern - Missverständnisse klären und Kompetenzen stärken" has been published in February 2022 in the series: „Miteinander reden Praxis“, by Prof. Schulz von Thun.
Input Intercultural communication was developed to be able to describe and compare cultures: That's how we are - that's how you are. Anyone who works with people from different countries quickly feels: it is not that simple!
This It´s EASC Time aims to give impulses on how to go beyond intercultural communication as well as hands on psychological tool in order to cope with today’s cross cultural challenges, and to learn more about yourself and others.
Let´s set impulses for a contemporary understanding of culture and cross cultural sensitive interactions - without giving a single recommendation on how to deal with people from a particular country.
The evening will be moderated by Susanne Rieger
Procedure We start with a 15 minutes´ Welcome Round in small groups for exchange and getting to know each other. After the interactive input of 40 minutes, there will be time for questions, suggestions, debate and comment.
Linguistic comprehension The plenary presentation will be in English. Translation into Czech, Spanish and German will be provided. Instructions on how to enter the language box can be found <link fileadmin content its_easc_time>here. We kindly ask the participants with translation needs to inform the office about their coming by 18.04.2022.
As for the small groups, as usual, we will ensure communication together.
We look forward to your active participation!
Warmest wishes, Susanne Rieger and Amina Eperjesi On behalf of the EASC Board
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