JGSG Flyer May 2 2024
02.05. – 02.05.2024

A JGSG Roundtable:Telling Stories: Empowering Change – Imagining Sustainability for Future Generations

Beginn: 13:00

Ende: 14:15

A JGSG Roundtable: Telling Stories: Empowering Change – Imagining Sustainability for Future Generations

Join us for an interactive session, where we invite the inspirational Denise Baden to join colleagues from APECS, APAC and EMCC Global to explore the power of storytelling in creating energy to respond positively to the climate and sustainability challenge. This will be an enlightening and interactive session.

To register please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsc-6rqjgsE9Zd74NTC9_G7xTIDFC52l3W

Professor Denise Baden is a Professor of Sustainable Practice within Southampton Business School at the University of Southampton. She writes green stories and is a proponent of the power of storytelling. She will be hosted by Uma Arora from APAC, Eve Turner from APECS and Rita Symons from EMCC Global.




Joint Global Statement Group on Climate and Ecodiversity Crises (JGSG)