EASC Membership

Individuals and also institutes can become members of the EASC. The following memberships are possible for individuals:

  • Active supervisors and coaches
  • Coaches and supervisors in training with an Institute certified by EASC
  • Supporting members
  • Passive members

About 970 coaches and supervisors from Europe are currently EASC members. To become a member as an individual, you have the following possibilities:

  1. Training and examination with one of the certified Institutes of EASC,
  2. Evidence of an equivalent training,
  3. Membership in a trade association that is connected to EASC by cooperation and mutual recognition.
  4. You have graduated from university/a vocational training and you have many years of professional practice, or you have passed an extended further training course and you have many years of professional practice as a supervisor and/or coach, and you have documents to prove all this.

For more information on EASC admission via training and examination at one of the EASC Institutes, please contact one of the Institutes directly.

By submitting a confirmation of attending a training course from an EASC Institute, you can already apply for membership as a training candidate. Please upload your training certificate instead of a certificate. For a maximum period of 2 years, you pay half the membership fee as a training candidate (for more information please see our By-Laws).

Please find our current membership fees here.

You can apply online below.