EASC Organisation
Our members are professional coaches and supervisors (working or in training) as well as institutes which target to deliver training according to our defined quality criteria. In June 2024, about 970 persons and 20 institutes from 13 European countries as well as Australia and Canada are EASC members.
As a registered association under German law we take decisions on the foundations of our work and on staff at our Annual General Assembly of Members (AGM). Basically, always on the 3rd weekend in September, either only the General Assembly, or every two years also the EASC Congress takes place. The honorary Managing Board, which is elected at the AGM, is responsible for the operative business and manages the Office.
The Institutes of EASC stand for top quality standards within Europe in their basic und further training. In a supranational exchange and in close cooperation with the Committee of Quality and Standards (CQS), they further develop these quality standards. The Institutes meet every year at the Institutes’ Meeting.
Independently of the Board and the Institutes, the Committee of Quality and Standards (CQS) develops the quality standards and recognises training courses and trainings.
The Ethics Commission and Ombuds Office develop and stand for the Ethical Guidelines and compliance with them.
In self-organised Regional Groups, members meet to discuss professional topics and to practice intervision at the regional level. Many Regional Groups also welcome non-members of EASC.